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November 8, 2022

Effective Techniques for Roguing Male Cannabis Plants: Ensuring Successful Cultivation

Discover the importance of roguing male cannabis plants to maintain a successful cultivation process. Learn proven techniques and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for identifying and removing male plants, preventing unwanted fertilization and preserving the quality of the crop.

Roguing male cannabis plants is a crucial task for farmers to ensure a successful cultivation process. Unwanted males can lead to pollination, reducing the quality of the crop. In this blog post, we explore the significance of removing male plants, provide an effective Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for roguing, and highlight the importance of careful disposal to prevent pollen spread.

Understanding the Importance of Roguing Male Plants

When planting from seed, it is essential to use feminized cannabis seeds to minimize the chances of male plants in the crop. However, even with well-made feminized seed lots, one male plant can occur for every 1500 females. The presence of males poses a threat as they can fertilize female plants, resulting in seeded flowers with reduced potency and terpene profiles. To maintain the overall quality of the crop, farmers must take the time to identify and remove these male plants through a process called roguing.

Effective Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Roguing

Developing a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for roguing male plants is crucial for efficient identification and removal. Here’s an SOP that has proven to be effective over the years:

  1. Weekly Walkthrough: Begin the process in the first week of flower. Assign two people to walk each bed in tandem, with each person taking one line of plants. Walk at a slightly slower than normal pace, around 1-1.5 mph. This speed allows for careful inspection of each plant.
  2. Focus on Armpit Male Flowers: Examine 30 plants of each variety, specifically looking for male flowers clustered in the armpits of the lower canopy. Pay attention to any plant that seems different or “off” in any way. Check the lowest branches for subtle or apparent signs of hermaphroditism, especially where the branches meet the main stem.
  3. Removal and Disposal: Carry plastic bags during the walkthrough. Male plants with open flowers must be carefully removed from the field to prevent pollen spread. Place a plastic bag over the entire plant, covering it as much as possible without disturbing it. Pull the plant out by the base of its stem, removing the entire root ball, and tie the bag shut immediately. Plants without open flowers can be combined into one bag. Avoid leaving the plants on the ground as dead males/herms can release pollen even days after being pulled up.

Ensuring Effective Disposal to Prevent Pollen Spread

Proper disposal is crucial to prevent pollen spread and ensure successful roguing. Avoid leaving pulled-up plants on the ground in the field or at the field’s edge. Dead males/herms can release pollen even after being removed. Place all plants in plastic bags for disposal, sealing them securely. It is essential to handle the bags with caution and tie them shut immediately, preventing any accidental pollen release.

Roguing male cannabis plants is an essential practice in cultivation to prevent unwanted seed formation and maintain the quality of the crop. By following an effective Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and practicing careful disposal, farmers can ensure the success of their cultivation process. Removing male plants promptly is critical to achieving a high-quality yield. This also helps preserve the potency and terpene profile desired by consumers.

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