Cannabis Grading

Cannabis Grading

After trimming material is graded in preparation for sale. There are essentially three grades of cannabis flowers – smalls, mids, and tops. Smalls are flowers smaller than a dime. These are usually from the lower portion of the plant but also can be formed when...
Cannabis Trim (Shake)

Cannabis Trim (Shake)

The by-product of trimming is trim, AKA shake. This is the leaf matter and small pieces of flower removed during trimming that still contain THC and can be used in extraction, or in cases of exceptional quality, in pre-rolls or ready-to-roll products.  The...
Trimming Cannabis

Trimming Cannabis

The final step in the crop cycle is trimming cannabis. This means removing the green leafy plant matter, leaving only trichome-covered flowers – the good stuff. This was traditionally performed with small trim scissors and rubber gloves to keep the resin off the...
Bucking Cannabis

Bucking Cannabis

What is the meaning of “bucking?” When material has been dried still on the stem, before it can be trimmed, it must be removed from the stem or bucked. This is the physical task of clipping or ripping each flower from the stems. It is very laborious and...
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